Top Of The Week

Are Obesity Rates On The Rise In The United States?

New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that 16 states now have obesity rates of 35% or...

What Causes Obesity?

The main symptom is excess body fat, which increases the risk of serious health problems, The mainstay of treatment is...

Is Obesity Genetically Inherited?

Obesity is a complex, heritable trait influenced by the interplay of genetics, epigenetics, metagenomics and environment. ...

What Causes Obesity? Short Answer

Although there are genetic, behavioural, metabolic and hormonal influences on body weight, obesity occurs when more...

Is Obesity The Leading Cause Of Death In The World?

Obesity is serious because it is associated with poorer mental health outcomes and lower quality of life. Obesity is also ...

What Percentage Of Obesity Is Genetic?

However, recent studies suggest that genetics contributes to 40-70% of obesity with the discovery of more than 50 genes...

Recent Posts

What Can Obesity Lead To?

What Can Obesity Lead To?

Obesity is serious because it is associated with poorer mental health outcomes and lower quality of life. Obesity is also ...

Top Of The Month

Can Obesity Be Genetic?

Recent Post

Obesity Of Which Doctor?

Some healthcare professionals specialise in the treatment of obese or overweight people. These healthcare professionals...

Are Obesity Rates Falling?

The adult obesity rate is over 40%, the highest ever recorded. Food insecurity related to COVID-19 puts more Americans at ...

Where Does Obesity Come From?

Obesity is often caused by eating too much and moving too little. If large amounts of energy are consumed, especially...

Which Country Is The Country Of Obesity?

This is a list of countries ranked by the proportion of the population that is obese. The data is from The World...

Is Sleep Apnoea Related To Obesity?

Among the risk factors for OSA, obesity is probably the most important. Several cross-sectional studies have consistently ...

When Does Obesity Become A Problem?

According to the findings, the obesity epidemic spread rapidly during the 1990s in all states, regions and demographic...

Where Is Obesity Most Prevalent?

Adult obesity rates are highest in the United States, Mexico, New Zealand and Hungary, while they are lowest in Japan and ...

Which Country Has The Most Obesity?

This is a list of countries ranked by the proportion of the population that is obese. The data is from The World...

Editors Picks

Can Obesity Cause Infertility?

Can Obesity Cause Infertility?

Overweight women have a higher incidence of menstrual dysfunction and anovulation. Overweight and obese women are at high ...

Who Reports On Obesity?

Who Reports On Obesity?

Overweight and obesity pose a growing threat to population health in an increasing number of countries. In fact, they are ...

Is Obesity Decreasing In The World?

Is Obesity Decreasing In The World?

Global obesity has almost tripled since 1975.Global obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, with 13 per cent of adults...

Who Reports On Obesity In India?

Who Reports On Obesity In India?

A study reporting on global trends estimated that 27.8% of all Indians would be overweight and 5.0% obese by 2030....

How Do I Know If I Am Obese?

How Do I Know If I Am Obese?

Obesity occurs when a person's body mass index is 30 or more. The main symptom is excess body fat, which increases the...

Can Obesity Cause Sleep Apnoea?

Can Obesity Cause Sleep Apnoea?

Several health conditions increase the likelihood of developing sleep apnoea, but OSA is more common in people who are...